4 Non-Habits to Break up the Monotony of Your Routine

Luke Ayton
2 min readJun 29, 2021


The benefits of good habits are well-known and must be regular, and consciously maintained. However, I also have what I call non-habits. Non-habits, although beneficial, work best sporadically. Don’t plan, schedule, or force them. How often doesn’t matter, just whenever you remember. At a loose end one afternoon. Here are four I like, and why you might find them beneficial:

  1. Do something that scares you. Not a fan of heights? Ride a rollercoaster. Scared to fall? Go rollerskating. Facing fears uncovers things about the self. I was afraid of physical altercation but took a jiu-jitsu class anyway. I loved it, now I go a lot. Life throws us things that make us anxious anyway. Prepare with some exposure therapy once in a while.
  2. Try something you find so difficult it makes you feel stupid. Maybe you’re lifting weights six days a week, but do you think it prepares you for tango dancing? You can code, but playing guitar baffles you? Try. Take a generalist approach in life. Go where you’re weakest, feel that neurological burn, build that talent stack.
  3. Go to a new town with no agenda, and explore. As a kid, I explored every nook and cranny of my hometown. Go somewhere new and find that feeling. No sightseeing, no tourist traps, just see what you can find. Curiosity is a powerful tool, nurture it. Plus you might find something cool!
  4. Something you’d normally do with others, do alone. Eating out alone is great for people-watching. Traveling alone can be life-changing. I love going to the movies alone now — I choose the film, the seats, the time — it’s bliss. Exercise your independence muscle.

What are your non-habits?



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